Windsor Bus Routes

Windsor has many dedicated bus routes across the city. If you are looking for a specific route, please check out the following Transit Windsor bus route maps, as well as some interactive maps to help you get from point A to B. There is even the Transit app that is available on both Android and iOS.

Keep in mind that current COVID-19 restrictions require a mask while using Transit Windsor buses.

Transit Windsor Map
Transit Windsor Interactive Map

Download the Transit Windsor PDF Map

Transit Windsor Fare Rates:


When paying cash on the bus, exact fare is required.
Operators cannot make change, and overpayments are not reimbursed.
Rider Type Price
Adult, Senior, Youth
(includes 2 hour transfer)
Day Pass $9.20
Family Day Pass $9.20
(12 years and under)*

*Children 12 years of age and under are free on City service with full paying passenger. If riding alone, qualifies as Youth.

Smart Ride

Rider Type 10 Rides 5 Rides
Adult (20 to 59) $25.80 $12.90
Senior (60 and over) $20.20 $10.10
Youth (13 to 19) $20.20 $10.10
Rider Type Roundtrip One-Way
Tunnel** $10.00 $5.00
**Includes service to Little Caesars Arena, Comerica Park and Ford Field.

Smart Pass

Rider Type 30 Days 15 Days
Adult (20 to 59) $97.60 $48.80
Senior (60 and over) $49.35 $24.70
Youth (13 to 19) $67.30 $33.65
Tunnel $97.60 $48.80
Combo (City & Tunnel) $160.10 N/A

Affordable Pass Program (APP)

Based on approved application.
Term Cost
30 Days $49.35
​15 Days ​N/A

Semester Pass

A 4-month pass at a reduced rate.  Includes insurance, protecting your pass if lost.

Period Covered Cost
September to December $269.20
January to April $269.20
May to August $269.20

Summer Saver

A 2-month pass offering saving to youth, during the summer months.

Period Covered Cost
July & August $107.60

Corporate Value

Available to companies who partner with Transit Windsor to offer discounted smart passes to their employees.

Term Cost
30 Days $83.00
​15 Days ​N/A
Smart Photo
Smart Photo Cost
Photo identification is printed directly on your smart card.  First time photo identification
must be taken at Windsor International Transit Terminal or Transit Centre.